
Summer, sunshine, sky is blue
What could be more beautiful?
Summer, StuTS, who has a clue
And could solve a beautiful
Quiz, which was made just for you?
So find the answer, which is true.

Here we go with the first part of our quiz! The first question is online and you can participate and collect the first points for your groups, to win one of our fabulous prizes!

Good luck to all of you! Of course, no students from Frankfurt will be allowed to participate – Qapla’ !

Pertama kali StuTS diadakan pada tahun berapa?

[Please remember to answer the question in the comment section below!]

3 thoughts on “#FeelsLikeQuiz”

  1. Jawoll! Herzlichen Glückwunsch und FÜNF GUMMIPUNKTE an Sören Eggert Worbs!
    Die Frage war auf Indonesisch gestellt und hieß “Wann fand die StuTS zum ersten Mal statt?”, die korrekte Antwort: 1987 in Hamburg.
    Qapla’ !


  2. Congratulation and FIVE POINTS for you, Sören Eggert Worbs for correctly solving the first question of our quiz!
    The question was in Indonesian: “When did the first StuTS take place?” – correct answer: 1987 in Hamburg. – Qapla’ !


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